A lot has happened since July. Andromeda and the the Triagulum Galaxy are back in town. M31 is spectacular just because of the sheer size of it. Since it is so close to our own galaxy, a lot of detail can be seen – a small scope like my William Optics ZS61 is fully sufficient. M33 is a bit smaller, so some more focal length is helpful. I got myself some more focal length – the Explore Scientific ED 127. It is a five inch telescope with 952mm focal length. Combined with a 0.7 reducer/flattener it is quite a powerful telescope for astrophotography. First test was the Cocoon Nebula – not really perfect as I had problems with autoguiding and the seeing was really bad. But see for yourself. Oh and the Perseids had a spectacular apperance in August – finally with good weather and New Moon.
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